Sunday, March 25, 2012

Visit our Facebook page!

We are inviting all of you to share, visit, and "like" our page on Facebook!
It can be found here.

We also challenge each of you reading this blog to head on over to our group forum here and register. Join a discussion topic, or start your own! You can even customize your signature and your very own avatar. This is a safe and fun place to get to know others living with PCOS or loved ones of those living with PCOS. There are many topics to choose from, discuss, and learn about. Also, head on over to "Rhi's Corner" in our forum to learn about stress management and other life & self-care skills to help us manage our PCOS and symptoms coupled with this syndrome.

Raise your voice!

Thank you for stopping by our blog, don't forget to re-blog about 1in10!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Birth of 1in10

The Birth of 1in10

In late 2011, a group of women who met regularly in a support group on Facebook called "Keep the Hope" had an idea- a dream We decided to pursue this dream of ours. We each knew the lack of information and awareness about one specific problem that most of us had or were being tested for- Polycystic Ocarian Syndrome, or rather PCOS. We each had our personal struggle, battle, and lacked information about what our bodies, and our loved ones' bodies, go through every day and how to treat this syndrome. We united with a common bond and wanted to start a Nonprofit Organization to help others journeying along with us.

This has truly been an educational and passion-driven journey so far - gathering research, branching out and lending our hands to strangers coast to coast. We each come from different walks of life. We each are different shapes and sizes. We each have our own stories to tell. Each of our stories are priceless and I'm sure each of us feel we could write volumes---just from our own PCOS journeys. 

With PCOS have come ups, downs and, quite frankly, all-arounds that have made me, personally, feel loopy at times! The day I received my diagnosis, I know I felt like a mad woman! I was ecstatic to finally have a name to what has been going on with my body for so long and why I wasn't pregnant with my husband yet. In that very same moment I was bawling my eyes out, "Why me?!" My husband and I drove home and I began frantically researching PCOS and I haven't stopped. I couldn't help but notice the lack of information, up-to-date research, and support out there. This is pretty much how the discussion in "Keep the Hope" started and 1in10 blossomed from there!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Raise Your Voice!

Welcome to Raise Your Voice with 1in10: the official blog of 1in10, Inc. and! We hope to use this blog, in addition to our website and forum, as a source of education, inspiration and support for the millions of women world wide who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  We know that the internet has become the leading source of information for women with PCOS.  Unfortunately, a lot of the information available online is misleading or innacurate.  That is why we have created this blog.  We hope that Raise Your Voice with 1in10 will become a site you can continue to turn to for accurate and reliable information for all aspects of PCOS.  Trust 1in10 to provide you with the most current and correct information you need to lead a happier and healther life with PCOS.

Whether you are looking to shed pounds, get pregnant, stay up-to-date with the latest PCOS research, eat healthier, find out about new exercise programs, find a support group, or eat healthier - this blog is for you!  Here you'll find a collection of blogs that includes the latest PCOS news and commentary, nutrition and health tips, and tips to make your every day life with PCOS a little easier.

An important thing to keep in mind while reading through our blog, website or forum is that, while all information presented to you by 1in10, Inc. is accurate and current at the time of publishing, the information we present to you is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment.  1in10, Inc., and its members, fully advocate seeking the advice of your physician or other qualified health practitioner before making any alterations to your diet, exercise program or treatment.  Any opinions expressed are solely the opinions of the blogger.

We encourage all women with PCOS to educate themselves as much as possible on all aspects of the disorder, and to get involved with promoting public awareness.  Awareness begins with YOU.  RAISE YOUR VOICE!!!